Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter

It's 3:30 central time and I'm sure by now everyone is over stuffed and scratching their bellies. It's 30 degree's and sunny here. Originally we weren't going to do much since Shyla, Josh, Raleigh and Corey were missing but unexpectedly Corey showed up Friday night so it was decided.  A Sunday dinner was planned. Then I found out Saturday morning Corey would be leaving Sunday morning so I put together Sundays dinner Saturday. I have to say it was great except for those that were missing. Dave, Barb and the boys came over after spending the day looking on all the local rinks for hockey pucks lost during the winter in the snowbank which are shrinking rapidly. And your wondering where the pictures are of everyone...not a shot was taken..I know... Anyway we had a great visit as usual, lots of stories told. Stories of work from all, travels from Corey, hunting past and hunting future of course. Lots of fishing tales and dreams. I always talk about the meal being the main focus of getting everyone together and I know that's part of it but it's more than that. Something the TV  can't replace. I am very thankful for having the family I have. Health and Happiness to all. Here's to summer and lots of beach time with my grandsons!!!

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