After 3 years and the need to get my loom warped so I can get going on some rugs, the door to the secret place under the stairs was unblocked. I can't even remember what was stored down there. Tyler was the first to ask if he could go in there. I thought well, it's a good opportunity to get some stuff out of there. A typewriter, the dress I went to Dave's sister Deb's wedding in, a giant 13 inch computer monitor and some other junk come out. Which made room for the boys. Armed with flashlights they entered.

Tyler came out and said someone had been writing on the walls in there. I remembered then that that used to be Shyla and Angies special fort. They would spend hours in there drawing pictures and writing boys names on the sheet rocked walls.
They spent the night in there. The boys can add their own thing to the walls if they want; I told them. They were very content to just read the walls. I did give them a nail and hammer to tack that piece of sheet rock up. Angie will always have a special place in our hearts and home even if it is under the stairs!